Why use Functional Medicine?

Have you embarked on your health journey, only to be told you have ‘normal’ blood work, yet feel anything but normal? For example, suffering with symptoms such as skin issues, digestive problems, fatigue, neurological issues, or adverse reactions to multiple foods? The reason is, conventional medicine holds limitations. Even if your blood work falls within the typical range or is described as ‘normal’, it does not mean ‘optimal’.

The complication lies in the fact that blood, as a homeostatic fluid, compensates for imbalances by reorganising nutrients from various bodily sources. For instance, if the body lacks calcium, it extracts it from the bones; if it lacks fatty acids, it withdraws from organs. This equilibrium maintains balance but can lead to imbalances in other areas, affecting vital elements like red blood cells, oxygen levels, iron, arteries, and thyroid function. Over time, these imbalances can spiral, causing further health issues.

Don’t get me wrong, Conventional medicine are great at addressing diseases, however, it often overlooks the beginning stages preceding these conditions. This is where Functional Medicine lab tests come in! They provide a deeper understanding of your health by examining the root cause of your issues. These tests don’t diagnose diseases; instead, they explore the underlying imbalances that can eventually manifest as diseases. Basically, we are able to let you know if you’re headed for a disease/diagnosis ahead of time. Problems like low energy, skin issues, digestive problems, hormonal imbalances, mood based disorders, neurological issues can be addressed thoroughly through at-home lab tests. 


Do you have ‘unexplained’ symptoms such as chronic fatigue, weight gain, skin issues, headaches.

Are you searching for Answers but at a stop sign every time you try to get help?

Are you determined to explore alternatives beyond Conventional Medicine such as Natural medicines that have been around for tens of thousands of years?

Do you want a Personalised plan and direction based on your specific health results? Then taking an at-home Functional Medicine lab test is essential for you to finally get well.

Functional medicine lab tests are vital tools for those seeking a deeper understanding of their health. If you resonate with any of these signs, it's time to consider exploring the world of functional medicine. By uncovering underlying issues, you can embark on a journey to natural well-being, addressing issues at their roots rather than suppressing symptoms. The understanding and insight gained from these tests empower you with knowledge to take charge of your health, and begin your transformative journey toward holistic health. 

You can find the full range of Synergised’s At-Home Functional Medicine lab tests on our website, don’t forget, with every purchase you receive a FREE 30-minute consultation with a Synergised Integrative Health Practitioner who will interpret your results for you and make personalised lifestyle and diet recommendations based your specific results and goals. If you don’t know what lab is best for you, find out which one you should run in less than 3 minutes by taking our lab assessment here

Telomere Effect not only helps with life coaching, i have an integrative background in…

- Ayurvedic medicine & Herbs
- Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Eastern Philosophy
- Orthomolecular
- Bioregulatory Medicine
- Functional Medicine
- Naturopathic Medicine

Functional Medicine is the FUTURE of medicine. We Integrate all forms of Medicine, which is the leading way as there is a time when other medicines are needed, but not one medicine for all.

We have the ability to be unbalanced in life. Let’s look at the underlying root cause of why you’re feeling the way you are. It’s my job to take these symptoms & fix them rather than waiting for a Diagnosis & billed for Disease to mask your issues.

If something is Common, it does not mean it’s normal. Our Psychology affects our Physiology, & what you’re going through now could be a blessing.

I will give you Personalised advice & recommendations on your specific symptoms through Lifestyle, Protocols, & Lab. There is nothing more powerful than Functional Medicine and it can save you years of trial & error. It has changed my life, my Clients lives and no doubt it can change yours too.


The importance of a 21 Day Reset (Detox)