Daily Essential Formula

Introducing the Daily Essential Formula, designed to elevate your nutritional intake beyond the limitations of conventional food sources. Due to soil degradation, the nutritional value of our food has declined, posing a challenge to obtaining all the vital vitamins and minerals solely through diet.

This delicious DEF powdered supplement features 28g of organic pea protein, crucial detoxifying elements, botanicals, and a comprehensive array of vitamins and minerals in their most potent and easily absorbable forms. Embrace a healthier and more dynamic version of yourself with the Daily Essential Formula.

Do you want a convenient way to incorporate protein and multivitamins into your routine? Have an explore at the link below for further information:


FoxMan Frames

Keep your Circadian rhythm in check with Foxman Frames. In this digital age, with screens everywhere, Digital eye strain is becoming a serious concern. Blue light from TV, Smart phones and laptops cause cortisol levels to rise which is our stress hormone. The Foxman Frames reduce cortisol levels and raise melatonin levels, which is our sleep hormone for a deeper, rejuvenated sleep.

The blue-light emitted from digital screens can lead to migraines, double vision, blurry and dry eyes, headaches, eye strain and insomnia. An effective solution are blue-light blocking computer glasses. The Foxman frames block HEV blue-light emission from all of your digital screens, keeping you protected whilst working online.

When using our digital devices, their screens emit a whole spectrum of visible light, including High Energy Visible (HEV) light, which we see as the colour blue. This is the same highly energetic light emitted by the sun.

Give your eyes and brains what’s needed to keep up with the digital age and enjoy a discount of 10% for you and your family:

Foxman Frames - Discount code: GNTACBRQ

Zero Water Filter

Its nothing new, we know how contaminated our water supply is today. But what will you do to combat ingesting these chemicals?

The FDA requires the TDS level in PURIFIED bottled water to reach 000-010ppm. ZeroWater is the only filter in its class to achieve this level. ZeroWater's first layer of filtration, activated carbon and oxidation reduction alloy removes the chlorine taste you are accustom to with tap water.

The Ion Exchange stage removes virtually all dissolved solids that may be left over from public water systems or even leached into your water from piping such as Aluminum, Lead, Zinc, Nitrate and more. Three additional stages are included to remove other contaminants and to ensure your water receives the appropriate amount of treatment time to deliver a "000" reading on your water quality meter.

The amount of dissolved solids in tap water varies across the UK. Each ZeroWater filter removes 18,000 milligrams of dissolved solids leaving you with the purest tasting water.

See it for yourself here and enjoy discounted, fresh, clean drinking water:

ZeroWaterUK - Receive 10% off with the code ‘Helen10’

Hydrogen Health Shower Filter

Did you know that 91 pollutants from our tap water are regulated by the Safe Drinking Water Act, however, there are thousands of chemicals, plus forever chemicals in our water supply. This is why i use a shower filter.

A common impurity added to the water supply is chlorine, which is a powerful oxidant (loss of energy to the cell).

Chlorine causes skin irritation and dryness plus breathing chlorine within the shower steam allows this to be absorbed within the entire body.

The Hydrogen Health filter is specifically designed to remove chlorine within the shower water, plus heavy metals and other impurities, to deliver a healthy showering experience.

If you would like to take a shower and not have to worry about absorbing harmful chemicals, please take a look at the link below and enjoy 20% discount:

HYDROGEN HEALTH Shower Filter - Discount code: ‘Helen20’

What is Curcumin? Curcumin is the active compound in Turmeric. It has anti inflammatory properties and there is evidence that it can help alleviate pain.

Key benefits:
- Well-being, antioxidants are shown to have a positive effect on the gut and brain.
- Joint health, as a natural inflammatory, curcumin helps support joints and bones.
- Inmune system, contains antiviral and anti microbial properties for a healthy immune system.

Remember, inflammation is part of every type of disease. Whether you’re looking at cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure, skin issues, cancer, you name it. These all have an underlying root cause, so whilst working on the underlying root cause, you can supplement Curcumin to help with the inflammation

Your Bodhi - Receive 15% off with the code ‘Helen15’

Natural Curcumin Supplement

Protection against EMF and 5G exposure (its no joke)

According to the World Health Organization, there is limited research on the frequencies used in 5G. The IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer), which classified EMFs as “possibly carcinogenic,” is part of WHO. But WHO is completing its separate health assessment of EMFs. This separate assessment is managed by the International EMF Project and WHO established this project back in 1996.

A petition was launched in 2017 by Doctors and Scientists to stop the rollout of 5G in the EU. The main concern was because 5G is so new, there hasn't been enough time to properly test whether or not it's safe. 

Experts say that genes also play a role in radiation sensitivity. It is important to note that many of these government-approved rules on RF were established in the late 1990's and were based on limited research. As research continues on with 5G, more peer-reviewed studies and data continue to get published  in various medical journals and they all point to the possible negative effects it may pose to our health.

We carry our phones with us more than any other device. Protecting ourselves from the dangers of wireless phones is a great place to start.
SAFE SLEEVE - Receive 10% off all products with the code ‘Helen10’